Change your Mindset

Yesterday I saw a woman lose hope.

She was standing in front of me. In line at a store.

She opened up her purse to pay for her purchase. And then asked for a lottery ticket.

She scratched the numbers while the cashier waited, two humans holding their breath in hot anticipation for one of life's great surprises to come their way...

But the numbers were losers. And the tickets were useless.

And so the woman's life remained the same...

She looked visibly disappointed. And the cashier--a teenager who cared more than usual--gave her a "I'm so very sorry your life didn't transform today" sort of a look.

It made me think about The Tale of 2 Mindsets...

The first and by far the most common is The Lottery Mindset.

It's the default way of thinking of people resigned to being average. They believe that the only way to a life they love is to get lucky. To win the lottery. To have fortune fall into their laps one sunny Friday morning.

The second--and much more rare--mindset is The Mindset of Mastery.

The people who run this mental story get that you don't get lucky. You create lucky. These ultra-performers get that success and prosperity and vitality and service to humanity isn't an act of coincidence, but a clearly constructed result.

By Robin Sharma, Motivator


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