
Showing posts from September, 2009

Roman Room Technique to Learn Lists (Grouped Information)

One of their most popular systems made use of objects in a room. Such a system is easily constructed. Try to imagine an enormous room with a door. Now fill tins room with as many items of furniture and other objects as you wish—each item of furniture will serve as a link word. Don't make a mental rubbish-dump of it, though! Your objects should be very precisely ordered. For example, you may decide to start on the immediate right of the door as you enter the room, placing there a finely carved coffee-table, on which you might put anything from a statue to an attractive lamp. Next to this you could have an antique sofa, and so on. You can see that the possibilities are almost limitless—but make sure that your objects are memorisable and that you can keep them mentally placed in the right order. How is such a system used? When you are given a list of objects you wish to remember in order (it being not necessary to remember reverse, random, or numerical order), you simply associate the