
Showing posts from July, 2012

Never try to please everybody


Match the words

1.  to make known, divulge, expose 2.  to provide something that is desired 3.  one who has equal standing with another 4.  a substance that is capable of poisoning 5.  produced with poor quality workmanship 6.  to encourage, cultivate 7.  period of one thousand years 8.  sharply sloped or inclined 9.  to do over, revise 10.  a cancer-causing substance 11.  keen enjoyment, excitement 12.  to present for acceptance, offer 13.  to slow down or interfere with 14.  physically harmful or destructive 15.  to stress or emphasize 16.  dismal, gloomy, somber 17.  to flash on and off; open and close the eyes 18.  to persuade someone into wrongful behavior, entice, lure 19.  to make unfriendly, hostile or indifferent 20.  conditions or practices which maintain cleanliness and good health *** a.     alienate b.    blink c.     cater d.    carcinogen e.    disclose f.     foster g.    hygiene h.    impede i.      millenium j.     noxious k.     proffer l.      punc

Increase mind power through a healthy diet

It is very hard to comprehend new material when you are tired, as your brain isn’t functioning at full potential. There is a wide range of foods known to supply the body with natural energy to enable the mind to function. Foods with a lot of antioxidants, such as chocolate, salmon, green tea, wine, bananas, coffee beans and blue berries all enhance the brain’s ability to function. Tap into the hidden powers of the nutrients in these foods to supplement efficient and effective study patterns.

The Mozart Effect in Study

Study while listening to Mozart. The “Mozart effect” is the result of a study by Frances H. Rauscher, in which he found that listening to Mozart increases spacial comprehension and overall IQ of test subjects by 8-9 points. He noted that this change in perception only occurs while listening to the music and lasts for up to 15 minutes once the music has been turned off. This is an excellent practice to help study for upcoming examinations or for students involved in online as well as correspondence programs and have the luxury of taking tests while listening to music.

Match the words

1.  hollow, slender stem of tall grasses 2.  fake, untrue, false 3.  to pierce with a knife 4.  guess, conjecture 5.  a liquid which gives wood a shinny appearance 6.  smile broadly 7.  rest on the surface of liquid, not sink 8.  fellow student or worker, associate 9.  to destroy the quality of something 10.  disorderly, lawless crowd 11.  rarely seen 12.  each, every one 13.  skinny, thin 14.  rigid, resisting action or bending force 15.  fine cord or line of fiber 16.  recommend, defend, speak in favor of 17.  calmness, peace, serenity 18.  a small piece of material for covering up torn clothing 19.  cook meat in an oven 20.  a thin thread of metal *** a.    advocate b.    apiece c.    composure d.    colleague e.    float f.     grin g.    mob h.    patch i.     reed j.     roast k.    phony l.     scarce m.   slender n.    spoil o.    stab p.    stiff q.    surmise r.     thread s.     varnish t.     wire Key: 1.i, 2.k, 3.o, 4.q, 5.s, 6.f,

Choose a Good Study Area

One of the most important factors in studying properly is choosing where you can study more effectively. Many students sell themselves short from the very beginning by choosing to study in places such as their dorm room, their bed, in the dorm lobby, and other places which are not always the most conducive to effective studying. Considerations in choosing the perfect study place include finding a spot that is the least populated with the least amount of noise and distractions. Basically, it is easiest to study in a place that literally has nothing else to do other than study. Taking these factors into consideration, it almost seems that you would be best off studying in a room with four walls, a table, some chairs, and bright light! Well, believe it or not, that is the best environment to study. Distractions are always the largest obstacle to studying properly. Surely there are many things surrounding you as a student that compete for your energies that you would much rather do

Match the words

1. a district or area of a city 2. to get bigger in size 3. of very poor quality 4. fragile, easily damaged 5. surviving memorial from the past 6. water vapor 7. opposite of smile 8. attentive, wide awake 9. open the mouth to express sleepiness 10. big and strong, macho 11. hostile, mean, violent 12. blood-sucking worm 13. to throw around loosely 14. lobby, entrance hall to a house 15. silly laughter 16. to cry profusely 17. cut down something neatly 18. to shine brightly, glisten 19. hairy coating of an animal 20. an unbound publication *** a.     alert b.     delicate c.     fierce d.     foyer e.     frown f.      for g.     giggle h.     husky i.      leech j.      lousy k.     pamphlet l.      precinct m.    relic n.     scatter o.     sob p.     sparkle q.     steam r.      swell s.     trim t.     yawn Key: 1.l, 2.r, 3.j, 4.b, 5.m, 6.q, 7.e, 8.a, 9.t, 10.h, 11.c, 12.i, 13.n, 14.d, 15.g, 16.o, 17.s, 18.p, 19.f, 20.k,

Give 100% in Relationships


Match the words

1. a cave from which rocks or metals are extracted 2. separating, for example, blacks and whites 3. dirt, earth, place where plants grow 4. doubting, not believing 5. unable to move 6. self-respect 7. extremely frightened, terrified 8. person who sells meat 9. disappointment 10. make something lower or inferior 11. work without pay or reward 12. something which protects 13. small piece of gold 14. new, original way to do something 15. racist, thinking oneself as better than others 16. hurry 17. crazy, having mental problems 18. next to, nearby 19. take something apart and examine it 20. carefully watch over something or someone *** a. adjacent b. analyze c. belittle d. bigoted e. butcher f. dignity g. dismay h. horrified i. innovation j. mine k. monitor l. neurotic m. nugget n. paralyzed o. rush p. segregation q. shelter r. skeptical s. soil t. volunteer Key: 1. j, 2. p, 3. s, 4. r, 5. n, 6. f, 7. h, 8

Match the words

1. very important, necessary 2. have a good opinion of; respect and like 3. show in the form of a picture 4. the place where someone is going 5. presenting only the facts 6. reflecting emotions and opinions 7. made of lines and circles 8. pleasant to look at; beautiful 9. instrument for seeing distant objects 10. a small package 11. very small; tiny 12. some thing that seems real but isn't 13. person who designs buildings and houses 14. move from one place to another 15. something which takes the place of something else 16. formal actions to mark an important religious or social event 17. idea that is believed to be true but have not yet been proven 18. an object that one shoots at 19. to pay respect to God or religious things 20. study of the stars *** a. admire b. architect c. attractive d. astronomy e. ceremony f. destination g. depict h. essential i. geometric j. illusion k. migra

Choose the odd word

In each line, choose the word that is  different  from the others in meaning. 1. cover mask facade cavern front 2. filthy stingy dirty grimy unclean 3. hint clue warranty implication suggestion 4. reduce demolish diminish decrease abate 5. educated learned erudite advocated knowledgeable 6. miserable despondent forlorn depressed determined 7. permission commission consent approval clearance 8. pledge prize award trophy medal 9. skinny slim dense slender lean 10. explain clarify illustrate elucidate eradicate 11. expert severe authority specialist ace 12. strict husky stern austere stringent 13. stow stop halt pause stall 14. hurt harm injure wound hasten 15. jeopardy danger peril solace threat 16. crowd mob slob throng flock 17. remove withdraw extract dislodge devout 18. lift absorb elevate

The grand conspiracy in your favour

If you’re still feeling that the whole exam process is a conspiracy to make things difficult, let’s work on eliminating those negative thoughts. It is established already that: Exams are not designed to catch you out. They provide an opportunity for you to demonstrate your abilities. Examiners like giving marks to people who do what is asked of them. Exams can be completed in the allotted time. Everyone’s memory is sufficient. So, obviously, you want to pass , the examiners want you to pass (believe me they do!), your tutors want you to pass and I’m sure your family and friends want you to pass. That’s a lot of positive vibes before you even start. In fact there appears to be a grand conspiracy in your favour going on here. Students who cocoon themselves in an isolated state of helplessness are making things unnecessarily difficult. There’s a lot of help around, all you have to do is make a little effort to secure it.  And don’t even begin to think that luck plays a major

Lovely Mom..


Circuit of Life


Abdul Kalam says...


Bill Gates Says..


The best feeling


Concentration Tips

The art or practice of concentration is to eliminate distraction and focus on the task at hand. If you find that you read through material and suddenly discover that you have no idea about what you've just read, or if you attend lectures and have difficulty paying attention to what is being said, these tips may help: Stick to a routine, efficient study schedule Study in a quiet environment For a study break, do something different from what you've been doing (e.g., walk around if you've been sitting), and in a different area Avoid daydreaming by asking yourself questions about the material as you study it Before lectures, look over the notes of the previous lecture and read the course material pertaining to the lecture so that you can anticipate the main ideas that the instructor will cover Show outward interest during lectures (attentive expression and posture) to self-motivate internal interest J. R. Hayes, The Complete Problem Solver, Franklin Institute Press

Unfold Your Wings


Fight Again....


Choose Odd Word

In each line, choose the word that is  different  from the others in meaning. 1. defeat abundant overthrow conquer vanquish 2. pardon absolve excuse forgive assemble 3. faithful robust loyal devoted true 4. feeble weak frail faint ruthless 5. still corrupt tranquil serene placid 6. plunder quiver shudder vibrate shake 7. forsake abandon prophesy desert leave 8. clasp dash clutch grasp grip 9. lustrous courageous bold brave daring 10. slothful zealous fervent ardent zestful 11. rare scarce unusual moderate extraordinary 12. detest entice hate loathe abhor 13. sturdy tough hardy stalwart vivid 14. linger revolve rotate spin turn 15. abolish