
Showing posts from November, 2011

What Happens In Exam!

Tick Tock, . Mind Block, . Pen Stop, . Eye Pop, . Full Shock, . Jaw Drop, . Time Up, . No Luck..!!

Evaluation by IIT Professor

A student attached 100 Rs note in his AMIE exam paper & wrote : " Rs. 1 for 1 mark " Paper was evaluated by IIT Professor ... ... . . . . . . . . He sent him Rs 73 back & wrote : " U gt 27 mrks '' Keep d change!!!

Group Study

What is a Study Group My definition of a study group is a collection of disciplined school peers that regularly meet to discuss and work on common topics enriching the knowledge and skill set of each member i.e. create better grades. Form a Study Group Forming a study group isn't hard. Making it work, is. The first steps in forming a study group is to pick your members, approach them, get their consent, choose a meeting place and time and then assign positions. For a study group to work their has to be a governance system and division of labor. You need a leader, timer, general members, and sometimes a treasurer. Bundling all these tasks to one person will exhaust them leading to poor function. Spreading the load amongst the study group is more efficient and leads to a smooth operation. Study Group Leader For a study group to work, one member must be the boss. The study group leader does not have to be you even if it was your idea. The study group leader needs to be the me

Result of higher education

A cow was kept for viva. School student: Its a cow. College student: Perhaps this is a cow. ... University Student: This may be cow or a hypopigmented buffalo. PHD Student: This may be a hypertrophied goat or an atrophied elephant with congenital anomalies. Moral: The more you study, the more your common sense decreases!

Acronym Memory Technique

This memory improvement technique works by encoding the capital letters of lists into a word. E.g. ROYGBIV = the colors of the rainbow red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. And HOMES = the Great Lakes huron, ontario, michigan, erie and superior. Not every list is suitable, and you may need to change the order of a list in order for it to work or add vowels.

To get just pass marks, cramming is enough!

To cram for an exam assumes you're out of time and have an imminent exam. The key to an effective exam cram is to cut out the fat and concentrate just on the most vital core pieces of your course. To do this, you're going to need to predict future questions, lay your bets on them, and teach yourself how to answer them correctly. Think of it like muscle building at the gym. In a chest press for example, the treadmill warm up, light sets, abdominal crunches, and first couple reps don't count towards a barrel chest. It's only the last very heavy set that count. What if you then just cut out the warm up stuff and just hit a couple hardcore reps once a week. If you only worked out this way you would expect a good looking chest in much less time. But a great physique requires the other time wasteful stuff like cardio, isolation movements and weak point training. Cramming for an exam is no different. You focus on the high gain movements and leave out the low yield. So when y

Exam and Assistance

In the examination paper, the professor wanted us to sign a form stating that we had not received any outside assistance. Unsure of whether he should sign the form, a student stated that he had prayed for the assistance of God. The professor carefully studied the answer script and then said, "You can sign it with a clear conscience. God did not assist you."

Myth: Cramming leads to a weak knowledge base

Well the truth is that up to 90% of what you learn in school you'll never use again in your career - and you'll forget most of it anyway. So why not cram it, get it out of the way, and have more time to do the things you really want to be doing? The really important, useful stuff sticks through repetition anyway because it keeps turning up in your life. The rest is just for the exam show. What Study Crammers Believe All that matters is what you write on your final exam. Fancy notes, being the teachers pet, reading the entire library, sitting at the front of the class, sticking your hand up for every question, dressing fly, etc aren't worth a can of beans. However you get your answers right on your tests is what matters. Period. Knowledge is disposable. There's nothing sacred about it. Cram it. Crush it. Spit it out when you're done and move on. You are damn smart. Or you can be, if you try.