Vitamins for Memory

In addition to memory improvement games and other memory improvement tips, have you ever wondered if there are vitamins for memory, that can have a positive impact on your long term and short term memory?
The good news is - there are!

B Vitamins are the closest to what can be called memory vitamins, as they protect our brain cells and improve oxygen flow to our brain.

Vitamin B12If there is one vitamin that can probably be called the memory vitamin, it is Vitamin B12.

B12 is known to reduce age-related memory loss, and forgetfulness that happens as we get older; and B12 deficiency in one of the more common causes of memory loss.

B12 can be found in animal sources like lean beef and fish including diary products like milk, buttermilk and cheese. For this reason, nutritionists recommend strict vegetarians to supplement their diet with a B12 vitamin.

Vitamin B6Vitamin B6 is probably a good "memory companion" to B12. There is some research that suggests that daily intake of memory vitamins B12 and B6 results in the brain processing information at greater speeds, and also in an improved memory over time.


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