Dealing with exam nerves

It is natural to feel nervous before an examination. The more prepared you feel, the easier it will be to conquer your fears.
  • Create a revision plan to help you feel in control of the process
  • Plan your work carefully around the topics you need to focus on. Being aware of gaps in your knowledge can create nerves, but having a plan of how you will fill these will make you feel better.
  • Find out what is involved in the exam:  (i) where and when it will take place (ii) how much time is allowed (iii) how many questions you need to answer
  • Think positive
  • Keep the exam in context – even if you do badly, there will be other options open to you
  • Allow yourself some fun-time each day to relax
  • Eat sensibly – your brain cells need energy to function well. Make sure you drink plenty of water to avoid becoming dehydrated. Dehydration makes you tired and reduces concentration


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