Fighting Depression

You know that academic success depends on achieving satisfactory grades. Sometimes, however, students who are typically successful find their academic performance begins to slide for personal reasons. Prolonged unhappiness or dissatisfaction with one's self or one's relationships with others can drain a student's energy and become a hindrance to academic effectiveness. Yes, students can get depressed or anxious and find themselves having a hard time shaking it off. It's not an unusual occurrence; but if it goes on for weeks, you should be concerned. When social or emotional issues get in the way in your life, do something about it. The first step is to find someone with whom you can talk about it. This usually makes a world of difference. Don't continue to hold it in. Get a self- help book or audiotape, even consult a counselor. Take care of yourself by eating and sleeping regularly, and get exercise. Make yourself go to class. Fight back and work to regain control of your life. Your emotional health and academic success go hand in hand. Keep a handle on both."


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