Scan Reading

Reading for me does not mean going plainly through each words and text. There are certain forms of reading (such as rapid reading, skimming etc.) that helps me to make my reading time effectively. When I want to look for something and it requires me to do it immediately I apply the scanning reading form (for example, reading back cover before purchasing an Agatha Chriestie novel). This helps me to easily find what I’m looking for without reading the full page of the writings. But remember in doing this form you must know the names, topic or keywords you’re looking for.

On the other hand if I want to know whether the materials Im reading is useful on my research I do the skimming reading method (picking up main points). This form helps me to understand the general idea of the writings. It also helps me identify the significance of the wording. Hence it makes my reading time more efficient.

When I read for the purpose of learning new things I do the light reading technique. This allows me to read particular reading materials without rushing. In that manner I can fully absorbed my readings in a very comfortable manner. If you feel like doing this form of reading make sure you have enough time because it definitely eat big of your time.


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